Technology trends in 2022

By NCR DELHI TEAM September 21, 2022


We’re in the midst of an incredible technological renaissance. From self-driving cars to smart glasses, we’re seeing the future of robotics and artificial intelligence come into focus. Technology is already changing our lives, but it’s just getting started. Here are some trends that will shape the future of technology over the next few years:

3D will become a bigger star

3D is more than just a movie theater. It’s used in many industries and has a variety of applications, including for medical imaging and education. In fact, 3D is becoming increasingly popular as more companies see its potential to improve productivity and efficiency at work. As such, we can expect this technology trend to continue growing in popularity over the next few years as businesses realize the benefits it offers them on both the frontlines and back offices alike.

Near-instant Internet access

The Internet will be faster than ever.

The average speed of a person’s internet connection will increase, with more people having access to the internet on their phones and watches. This means that there will be less need for cable companies and ISPs (Internet Service Providers) as well as other infrastructure providers like phone lines or fiber optic cables.

A little black box that powers your whole house

A little black box that powers your whole house

Technology is already here, and it’s not just for homes. The same technology can be used to power everything from toys to lighting systems and more. These small boxes will allow you to turn on lights in an entire building with one simple click, or power appliances across an entire campus with wireless power transmission.

Personal assistant devices

Personal assistant devices are a new trend in the technology industry. They are small, mobile computers that can help you with things like scheduling appointments, calling friends and family members, and even finding out when the next train or bus is coming.

The idea behind these devices is that they’ll make life easier by taking some of the work out of your daily routine. No more worrying about remembering where you put your keys or looking for a pen when your hands are full! With personal assistant devices around us all day long (they’re even built into some smartphones now), we never have to worry about forgetting anything again!

Personal assistants will also save time by doing things like reordering groceries online using voice commands—no typing required! It might seem strange at first but this technology will revolutionize many aspects of our lives including work-life balance between work and home life…

More intelligent VR, AR, and smart goggles

  • VR and AR will become more common in the workplace.
  • VR and AR will become more common in everyday life.
  • VR and AR are already being used for education and training, but they’re not quite there yet. The technology is scalable (meaning it can be used on a wide variety of devices), so it should become easier to use over time as developers work out kinks in their code, users learn how to use them properly and manufacturers develop better hardware that is capable of running these technologies at high quality levels.

technology is more amazing every day

Technology is advancing at an exponential rate. While this may seem like a paradox, it’s actually not because technology has been improving for hundreds of years. The world has become more and more reliant on technology in recent decades and there are many exciting developments in the pipeline that will further enhance our lives.

Here are some of the most important trends that you should know about:

  • A new era of AI-enabled smart devices is coming to market
  • Wearable tech such as smartwatches are becoming increasingly popular with consumers
  • Self-driving cars will be commonplace by 2022


Technology is going to become even more amazing in the next few years. From 3D content to smart home devices, it’s clear that we’re on the cusp of some big changes. As we mentioned above, one thing is certain: these new technologies will continue to improve our lives—and they may even save it!